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A. Download consists of .zip file. Extract .zip to its own folder.
B. Run program with .exe extension on Windows OS by clicking or double clicking it or right clicking and choosing 'Run as administrator'.
C. For program preceded by asterisk (*) running mysetup.exe will install program on Windows computer.
D. mysetup.exe requires password. Consult ReadMe.txt before running this set up program.

The following programs can be downloaded (all are 32-bit programs):

* cdca (Composition Dependent Combinatorial Analyzer) desktop graphical user interface version
Requires Microsoft Windows Environment. This is essentially the same as the online version in the Programs section of this website.

**image of cdca desktop version**

* tdca (Total Dependent Combinatorial Analyzer) - Blackjack Game and Probability Computer
Requires Microsoft Windows Environment. The focus of this program is on total dependent basic strategy (TDBS). It uses TDBS for overall expected value computation. It has the ability to alter TDBS to compute individual hands. It can be used as a computer to calculate combinations of partial player and or dealer hands (examples: 1 player card versus 1 dealer card, 1 player card versus 0 dealer cards, and more.) It can compute values assuming dealer hole card is known. It can compute using any valid shoe composition user inputs. User can enter and manage any number of counting systems. Up to 2 counting systems can be displayed. Change of shoe composition results in update of displayed counts' running and true counts. Counting systems can be swapped at any time. User can play random game of 1 player versus dealer and view up to date computations as game proceeds. It has keyboard shortcuts useful for, among other things, input and computation in game mode.

The help system now opens in a browser. Previous release required WinHelp32 support which is no longer supported by Microsoft. Some minor changes from previous release are included in this release.

06-20-2023 Program was updated to fix a problem. When playing a random game, shoe composition and count data were being improperly recorded for any busted split hands. The bust card was being recorded twice. If tdca program is reinstalled from the new download any counting systems entered when previously using the program will be lost. Count system data is stored in the file 'Counts.txt' which is stored in the C:\ProgamData\tdca folder. If you want to save entries make a copy of 'Counts.txt' before uninstall/reinstall. After reinstall paste copy to C:\ProgamData\tdca folder.

**image of tdca**

* tdca-cdca package
Both cdca and tdca as described above in one package (no difference in either program.) cdca computes expected values for 2 general modes; optimal and (composition dependent) basic strategy. It can compute for most common rules for a range of 1 to 41,297,762 decks. User can input any valid shoe composition. tdca revolves around total dependent strategy for common rules. Number of decks: 1 to 8. User can play practice game while monitoring different counting systems and at the same time viewing anecdotal expected values for each shoe compositon as the game progresses. Program can also be used as a computer to calculate many differing inputs.

cdca can show among other things what is optimal. tdca shows basic practicality.
Both require Microsoft Windows environment.

Excel spreadsheet with VBA souce code to compute dealer probabilities
Ability to compute dealer probabilities is the most important component of writing an efficient blackjack combinatorial analyzer. This is a blank Excel spreadsheet with an executable macro written in VBA (Visual Basic for Applications.) Macro computes dealer probabilities. Options are dealer stands/hits soft 17. Computation can be conditional, assuming dealer does not have blackjack or unconditional. Shoe composition can be directly input if desired to the limits of the input number of decks. Cards in player hand can also optionally be input. Macro name is Compute. Macro is run from Tools/Macro/Macros... menu.

Object oriented source code has been translated into VBA. Macro can also be run by opening VBA editor. Source code can also be viewed in VBA editor and is very efficient, computing all upcards at once. Dealer probabilities by themselves are not useful except possibly in conjunction with running a simulation.
**image vba s17_uncond**


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